Preparing the Way

While most people probably do not think much about it, the “Christian Year” does not start on January 1. Instead, it begins on the first Sunday of Advent. Advent is the “season” of the Christian year that leads to Christmas Day and the celebration of Jesus’ birth. What follows is a very short 12-day “season” between Christmas and Epiphany called “Christmastide.”

If you want to get technical, most of the beloved hymns and carols we sing this time of year are only supposed to be sung during Christmastide, not during Advent. But since the window for that is so short, and because the Christmas carols are so familiar, we incorporate many of them into the Advent season as well.

Advent is a time of preparation. In the literal sense, many people spend these weeks preparing for Christmas by decorating their homes, organizing travel plans or preparing to host guests, getting menus and meal ingredients together, and buying gifts. We do many of these things in the church as well. But from a spiritual perspective, Advent is a time for Christians to prepare again for the presence of Jesus in the world. To quote the line from the Christmas carol, “Joy to the World,” Advent is a time to “let every heart prepare Him room.”

It is easy to become distracted and caught up in the hype that comes with this time of year. The stretch from Halloween to Christmas seems like one long commercial, pulling our attention toward the consumeristic aspects of the season and away from the faith, hope, joy, peace, and love that Jesus brings into our world and our lives. It is important that we are intentional about creating space in our homes, our hearts, our minds, and our calendars to truly make ourselves ready to receive the gift God is offering to us in Christ Jesus.

Our church will offer several opportunities to do that through the month of December. And going into the new year, we will continue to invite you to keep making room in your life for your relationship with God in Christ. 

I look forward to seeing you and celebrating with you during this season of preparation.

With love, and joy, serving as your pastor,
John McLarty