A Lent series based on some of the powerful questions Jesus asked in the course of his life and ministry.

Powerful Questions

The Christian season of Lent is already upon us! Over the next several weeks, our church will take an intentional journey of reflection, self-discovery, and discipleship as we prepare for Holy Week and the stories of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection and what those things mean for us.

Throughout the season of Lent, I will be preaching a sermon series based on some of the powerful questions that Jesus asked in the course of his life and ministry. These questions are still meaningful for us to consider today as we think about our faith and the kind of Christ-followers we want to be. In addition to worship, there will be additional opportunities to dive deeper in your relationship to Christ and the church. I hope you will seek out those opportunities and participate.

A Season of Change

Our church is also entering a season of growth and change that could potentially impact the trajectory of this congregation for many years to come. You may have heard that Floral Heights United Methodist Church is in the process of deciding its future and determining whether or not it can sustain itself and its facilities long-term. Part of their discernment is to be in conversation with other United Methodist Churches to formulate a strategy for what happens if that church were to close.

A Merger team has been created and our church has a delegation who are participating in those conversations. Our leadership and staff are actively preparing for the possibility of merging a portion of Floral Heights’ membership and resources with our congregation. It is a long and complicated process. There are many moving parts, so please be patient and prayerful as our team does its work. We will offer some congregational meetings to keep everyone informed before any final decisions are made. 

How We Can Prepare

In the meantime, here’s how we can best prepare for the guests we might receive in the weeks and months to come:

  • Pray. Pray that God would guide the Merger team in its work. Pray that God will help us be the kind of church needed in and for our community.
  • Practice Extravagant Hospitality. Be polite and pleasant to people you have not yet met. Proactively welcome guests you see. Offer to help them before they ask. Invite them to sit with you in worship. Invite them to your Sunday school class or small group. Invite them to lunch, dinner, or coffee. Invite them to join in serving.
  • Offer Compassion. It’s not easy to close a church or lose one’s church community. Many of our friends will be grieving. Show empathy and kindness. Imagine how you would feel if you were having to adjust to a new situation.

The next few months have the promise of being one of the most exciting seasons of ministry in our history. An influx of new people could generate new energy and ideas. A congregation fully committed to prayer, hospitality, and compassion could ignite a new era of vitality that would impact our community in powerful ways. I believe God has been preparing our church for this moment, and pray we meet the moment with hope and joy in our hearts.   

I look forward to our Lenten journey together and to what God has in store for our congregation. 

With love, and joy, serving as your pastor, 
Dr. John McLarty, Senior Minister