FUMC’s “Impact Team” has formed and begun its work of exploring “what’s next” for the church as it enters a new season of ministry. The team will explore the ways FUMC can maximize its impact in four key areas: “the church” (equipping church members for spiritual growth and service,) “worship” (exploring how to keep worship engaging, inspiring, and relevant,) “the future” (investing in the faith development of younger people,) and “the community and beyond,” (examining how the church can best serve our neighbors.)

The team consists of a cross-section of FUMC members: younger and older, male and female, long-time and more recent members, theologically progressive and conservative, and more. The members are: Parker Deal, Cindy Mobley,   Phil Harris, Lisa Hill, Angela Miller, Doug Bowersock, Jennifer Lebow, Greg Darden, Angela Wegmann, Joel Blanco, Grace Edgar, and Blake Haney.

John McLarty is facilitating the monthly meetings. This time of visioning includes learning about the changing landscape of religious institutions as well as the physical and spiritual needs of the church and community. As the team gains new insights, it will share reports and host opportunities for wider-church engagement.

Please pray for this group as they explore where God is leading this faith community.